Creating a blog is something that I have contemplated for quite some time. Now anyone who truly knows me, knows that I am a private person. I am a great listener, but have struggled with sharing. My problem is, I just don’t know where to begin! I could not get past the fact, of someone wanting to read about my journey. But in my heart I feel that every person has a story to tell, and what better way than to tell your story in your own words. This blog is something that is very personal to me, and close to my heart. My mother always wanted to tell her story through writing, to inspire other women, but unfortunately God called her home when I was 12 years old. Now…….I share this with you, not for sympathy, but to understand why this blog was manifested. My mother LOVED her role as a military spouse, as a child I remember other spouses flocking to her for advice. Honestly as a child, I could not understand why she would give up herself for my father (the soldier). I believe that God takes us all on personal journeys through life, for particular reasons. Now that I am an adult, I understand that my mother did not give up herself or lose sight of her dreams. What my mother did, was be a solid figure for me and my brother when my father couldn’t, due to military life. But, that was her dream, to be everything to us and inspire other military wives. She understood that she was called to be a military spouse to show me strength, determination, and pure love. Well…..mom you did it! It is my prayer to be half of the women that you were! I did not see it as a child but now as a mother and a wife I GET IT!!!!!!!
"Creating this blog has been on the back burner for a very long time, THEN…….it hit me! Its your time LEKIESHA, go for it."
I begin saying to myself, “what is the worst that could happen” people could not like it! Well, who cares….YES! I said it, Who the heck cares, if some don’t like it! But at least I stepped out on faith and tried. Let me tell you this…….the look in my children’s eyes as I embark on this journey is priceless. At least I remained true to myself, became uncomfortable in order for me to be comfortable in my new role. Now mind you I am a spouse who has degrees……. OK, and Who Cares! LOL but the pride I see from my family, as I take on this journey is simply incredible.
I want you to leave with this, the purpose of this blog is to support and inspire other spouses to do the same. What I mean is, sometimes we get complacent and forget to dream. As spouses we have dreams too…. It is important to understand our purpose we were designed for. It took me years to find this, It did not come in the form of a degree, but……me coming out of my shell. Before you go…..Don’t leave yet PLEASE! I’m almost done I PROMISE! Seriously, I would like to challenge all of you to go after your dreams, and to get uncomfortable to be comfortable. I would love for you to share your thoughts and feelings on your dreams, drop me a line.
Remember to Live free, Laugh often, & be Incredible PEOPLE!!!!!