First off let me start by saying how excited, and humbled I am to be on this blogging journey. Everyone is not blessed to have an Incredible support system by their side. BUT, THIS GIRL HERE IS!!!! As a military veteran and spouse, I have come across some of the most amazing people. These individuals have become my family. When I was on active duty, my battles aka comrades took care of me like I was one of their own personal family members. As a military spouse in Hawaii I felt the same family unity. What an amazing feeling! In the military you can meet some people who can rub you the wrong way, (you can do that anywhere I guess)…… BUT the positive friendships sure outweigh the bad.
When I came to my close circle and told them my vision I had for a blog, I honestly thought they would laugh at me or think I was half crazy! LOL I wanted to create a blog with meaning, but I also wanted to create a supportive military spouse community with know strings attached. What do you mean NO strings attached? There have been times were some military spouses would not support something, if it had no personal benefit to them. Hey to each their own! BUT….. I wanted to create something different, my way, placing my own personal stamp on the military spouse community.
OK…..I will get on with it! My family, and friends, (especially my Hawaii family) had to shout them out of course, have come in with massive support for me and my vision. OH! Don’t think I forgot about me and my husbands’ military battle buddies. They have supported me way before this venture began, and still coming in showing so much love and support. My family in Virginia and throughout, I love you so much! I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your words and encouragement, every Facebook, Instagram post, and sharing what I am doing with others. To the team, there is no way I would have been able to do this without you guys! Endless days (not nights) kids are not having it LOL!... Hey, must be a mom too! My Brother and sister in love, have been a HUGE support in this process and I thank you! Finally, my husband and children, I thank you for believing in me, supporting my vision, sacrificing time, and hearing me complain. I thank you! BUT…. I am not done complaining yet! You’re already used to it anyways. Ha! Love you all, you guys are simply Incredible!
As always remember to Life free, Laugh often, & Be Incredible!