About Me

Welcome to my page!! My name is Lekiesha and I am so excited you are here. Let me first start by welcoming you to my page and introducing myself. I am a mother to 4 beautiful, who absolutely light up my life. I married to my best friend Jamaal of 16 years, and we are an active duty military family. I am also an Army veteran, counselor, coach, blogger, motivational speaker, and military marriage consultant.

Okay, now the long version!
Prior to embarking on this journey of helping others as a marriage and relationship coach, I had to take my own personal self-care journey. Before I could tackle anything pertaining to overcoming obstacles, life, or marriage related, I had to do some healing and work myself. Throughout this journey I had to realize that my purpose was with me the whole time, and it was my story. Funny thing is I always knew how to help other women but was unsure on how to help myself. I remember there was a time I was consumed with being a divorced single mother, dealing with depression, losing a mother at 12, guilt, and just feeling unworthy (just to name a few). I felt like a prisoner in my own mind and body, but still trying to hold it together on the outside. I would blame myself for everything that happened to me or that was not going right in my life. But honestly who wants to live a life of bondage (not me).
​The Big Change!
In 2017 I knew it was time for a major change, I had to realize that my future had no room for my past! I took everything thing day by day, allowed myself to heal, and started to build a positive mindset. It was important for me to understand that everything that went wrong in my life was not my fault. In the areas I did fall short I admitted it, asked God for forgiveness, and asked God to deliver me from guilt and shame. It was not until I started spending more quiet moments alone to be with my thoughts, learned proper tools to help me cope, and rekindling a loving relationship with myself is when the magic happened! Part of my self-care journey was going to college and obtaining a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling. I am currently pursuing my Doctorate degree. This has allowed me to gain an abundance of knowledge in the inner and outer workings of marriage, family and relationships. Prayer, Life trials, and education has allowed me to obtain the title of OVERCOMER, as well as creating the life of my dreams. Trust me, this road has not been easy by any means, but the rewards are worth it!
My Passion & Purpose
Serving and mentoring women is something that I have always done. I remember being that go to girl with friends or co-workers when they needed some advice, guidance, understanding, or just a listening ear. It is my pleasure to help beautiful women all over become happier in their marriages, lives, and relationships. If there is one thing that gets me super excited is my passion to serve amazing "limited-edition" women. Why do I call you "limited edition" you ask? Because God made each woman one of one, which means there is only one of you (no duplicates, just the original)! So that makes you a rare limited edition that God created extra special. Helping other women is what I like to refer to is my three P’s; Passion to help others, Pleasure to serve, and my Purpose. It is my prayer that you leave this page feeling; inspired, encouraged, empowered, loved, and supported. So, allow me to be the first to welcome you to your winning season!